Massage therapy is the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin and underlying connective tissue.
There are many massage styles and techniques that can be used such as Sports Massage, Shiatsu, Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish, Relaxation and Remedial Massage.
Here at AMI clinic near Kempston in Bedford, our massage therapist incorporates all these massage styles i.e. sports massage and deep tissue massage to suit your requirements and needs.
Massage therapy can also be used as part of your chiropractors’ recommendations to assist in:
•Recovery of acute and chronic conditions
•Eliminating pain, stress and tension
•Increasing range of motion
•Enhancing muscle/joint function
•Aiding in tissue healing
Massage can also be used to promote relaxation and eliminate the stress and tension that builds up from everyday stress.
Our clinic near Kempston in Bedford has a fully qualified massage therapist who can deliver and incorporate all different massage styles i.e. sports and deep tissue.
If you are suffering or are interested in how our unique massage styles can help you, then call and make an appointment today with our massage therapist and visit the clinic near Kempston in Bedford, Bedfordshire.